Retrocon 2024

M.A.S.K. Receiving Huge Publicity Online As G.I. Joe 3 Rumors Circulate!

2015 continues to serve up more M.A.S.K. comeback rumors as Film Divider reported yesterday that the third G.I. Joe film could feature a Matt Trakker character! A few large geek and movie websites picked up the story yesterday so I decided to Google search "G.I. Joe M.A.S.K." today and here's the results...
18 news stories and counting, what a glorious site! M.A.S.K. is making the rounds on popular sites like io9, UPROXX, What Culture!, JoBlo, Comic Book, Comics Alliance, Cinema Blend, IGN, Screen Rant, and more! I can't tell you how excited I am, whether or not the rumor turns out to be true, that our favorite franchise is making the rounds on the web. Click on any of the aforementioned links and you'll likely find that their comments sections are buzzing too!

I believe you can look at this rumor from a couple angles. It could be false and just a way for Hasbro to "test the waters" so to speak and see what kind of hype it gets. Although a worldwide franchise, M.A.S.K. never reached the heights of G.I. Joe and Transformers. However, with the release of the Specialist Trakker figure a few years back, we know M.A.S.K. has an "in" with the G.I. Joe franchise. Another way of looking at Matt Trakker being featured in the 3rd movie could be a way to setup a stand-alone M.A.S.K. movie. What a dream come true that would be!

We've been pitching a live action M.A.S.K. movie for years and to me, introducing the lead character Matt Trakker in a G.I. Joe movie could possibly be the best way to setup a movie. Why not refresh the memory of all '80s kids and then announce a full relaunch of the franchise?!

Wyatt and I are scrambling to do a special MASKast and talk more in depth about this so stay tuned. In the meantime, give us your thoughts on Matt Trakker potentially appearing in G.I. Joe 3...

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