Retrocon 2024

MASKast Chat 1: M.A.S.K. Toy and Movie Rumors

Surprise!! Wyatt and Jason are back with a new MASKast podcast but with a twist! Take a listen to our first MASKast Chat podcast that is an unscripted and unedited forum for us to chat about anything in the M.A.S.K. community.

We've been wanting to try Google Hangouts for awhile now and our beta test went over pretty well last night. After all the recent publicity, we decided to invite Bill from to chat with us about the recent rumors of new toys and a possible movie appearance in G.I. Joe 3. We also were able to answer a few questions from the listeners which was really fun.

Since this was a success, we hope to utilize Google Hangouts more in the future which will include a simulcast on our YouTube channel! We didn't have our video feeds live last night but we hope to incorporate episodes and other M.A.S.K. videos into both our regular podcast and also the chat style podcast for our YouTube followers. Exciting stuff, but for now check out the first episode of MASKast Chat and tell us what you think!


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