Retrocon 2024

Videorisa Comic #40 Featuring A Parody of M.A.S.K.

Several magazines like Mad, Cracked, and Crazy featured popular movies and TV shows throughout the '80s. I never subscribed to any of the magazines, but I was aware of their silly style. I was recently on eBay looking for M.A.S.K. memorabilia and stumbled onto an issue of Videorisa

From the little bit of Spanish that I speak and some research, Videorisa appears to be a Mexican comic book that parodied American pop culture. I'm not sure if it's still published, but there are hundreds of issues in its library. A couple issues primarily feature M.A.S.K. and thanks to Rafa Lario who has scanned his personal collection, I've got some scans of Videorisa #40 to share! (Click images to enlarge)

Cover - What I noticed throughout is that the characters and vehicles closely resemble the actual American art. The big difference is the colors are changed as you can tell on the cover which shows Matt Trakker in a Bruce Sato color scheme.

Page 3 - You'll also notice V.E.N.O.M. using guns which obviously wasn't the case in the TV show. The above scene reminds me of the "Highway of Terror" episode. Vanessa Warfield's Whip mask apparently has some different powers.

Page 5 - Agents are called onto the scene and as you can see, more color schemes changed.

Page 9 - Boulder Hill seems a little smaller than I remember, but they include the "mask room" scene.

Page 10 - I thought this was pretty hilarious that the agents receive Smurf-like hats. I also noticed they put Hondo MacLean in Rhino.

Page 15 - Police arrive on scene during a V.E.N.O.M. bank robbery, something we never seem to get in the TV show. It did remind me of a scene we put in our movie script. Still confused by the Whip mask because it seems like it disintegrates just about anything but underwear.

Page 22 - Matt appears to be a ladies man, but still puts the mission first by leaving his lady friend behind with Scott and T-Bob.

Page 32 - The final page shows Mayhem screaming at Dagger and the M.A.S.K. team looking on in amusement.

Sorry, I didn't translate the pages as my Spanish is very limited and Google Translate is less than helpful. (I hope it's not too offensive!) If you speak Spanish, feel free to leave a comment with some insight into the pages above. If you want the full scan of Videorisa #40 or any other issues, reach out to Rafa Lario.

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  1. The VideoRisa comocs were published for only a couple of years.. They were a much earlier version of what RobotChicken is today. They made parodies of Everything And Anything on TV, Mexican or American. It was the only place you could see the smurfs chopping Gargamel's head, Rambo making up with jungle girls, E.T. hiding on the bushes taking a poop.. It was just the funniest comic around


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