Retrocon 2024

Movie Pitch


REASON #1 - Similar 80s Cartoons Have Had Box Office Success
The two cartoons that M.A.S.K. is often compared to are Hasbro's Transformers & G.I. Joe. Transformers has proven that a live-action adaptation of cartoon series can be successful. Michael Bay's Transformers film series has grossed over $1.3 billion US domestic and another $2.4 billion worldwide at the box office. At least 3 more films are being planned in the future.

G.I. Joe has also success at the box office shown live-action film success grossing over $577 million worldwide for it's two films G.I. Joe: The Rise of Cobra and G.I. Joe Retaliation.

REASON #2 - The Timing Is Right
We've seen the M.A.S.K. fan community grow over the past several years since Shout! Factory released the complete series to DVD. With the original animated series now readily available in most of the world, the time is right to reboot the franchise.

REASON #3 - M.A.S.K. Is Still Popular
The M.A.S.K. cartoon series and toys are by no means forgotten after 30 years. Tens of thousands of fans can be found on several Facebook pages that are dedicated to the franchise. Ebay auctions number in the thousands for vintage M.A.S.K. toys and memorabilia. Many worldwide fansites can also be found on the web, including sites from the U.S., U.K., Germany, Italy, Mexico, and Indonesia to name a few. With the children of the '80s growing older, the M.A.S.K. franchise still proves to be relevant and worth introducing to a new generation.

REASON #4 - Merchandise
M.A.S.K. toys were the driving force behind the franchise in the mid to late '80s. In fact, the toys were so popular that the 3rd and 4th series of toys in 1987-88 were released even without new seasons of the animated series airing on television. New M.A.S.K. merchandise would thrive on the heels of a live-action movie. Toy manufactures such as Hasbro continue to reap the benefits of merchandise based on the Transformers and G.I. Joe movies. Hasbro even released Dark of the Moon toys with action figures called Human Alliance which are very similar in nature to M.A.S.K. toys.

REASON #5 - Suggested Actor List
As a part of our M.A.S.K. the Movie website launch in 2011, we conducted monthly actor polls which suggested actors for each of the M.A.S.K. & V.E.N.O.M. characters in our movie script. In 2014, we decided to get the fans to re-cast our movie again! These results would be a great headstart into the type of actors that hardcore M.A.S.K. fans are looking for in a live-action M.A.S.K. movie. Here are the results as voted by  fans:

M.A.S.K. Characters




V.E.N.O.M. Characters




View the complete results of our fan-voted actor polls on our Actor Polling page.

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  1. There are just so many characters and vehicles to showcase, can make this more than a trilogy yes!:)

  2. Thanks Chek! We wrote the movie to be at least a sequel but hoping to turn it into a trilogy!

  3. GREAT THING! Spread This - anyways - I stille prefer Jamie Hyneman as Alex Sector!

  4. This is great news that a live action movie is to be made. I have been waiting all this time to get to see a live version of Matt Trakker and Miles Mayhem's two groups in battle against each other. I just hope that it can do good enough to where more movies can be made to where all the characters of the original show including in the race car episodes can be in a movie. It would be something to have Miles Mayhem's twin brother Max Mayhem in a movie.

  5. I have been hoping for this forever! If the movie gets picked up, keep me in mind as a 3d modeler/ rigger for the animation. I have been working on a couple of the toys in 3d, and plan to make high res versions of the vehicles and characters. This movie would be huge. HA13

  6. Thank you for your continued support MASK team! We are very motivated in seeing this on the big screen. HA13 - would love to see what you have. Post pics when you can either here or on our Facebook page,

  7. Awesome. Thanks for deciding to make this an action movie just like the Transformer.

    I recommend that another character to consider would be Denzel Washington as Honda Maclean, the professor and tactician specialist, on his vehicle "Firecracker".

    Colin Farrell / Brad Pitt as Buddie "clutch" Hawks, Firecracker co-pilot.

  8. Hi!
    As I am trilled, I am also scared of digging in the 80s cartoons and turning them into "modern", "blockbuster", "Hollywood", "spectacles". Seeing Transformers and G.I.Joe... and how bad, disappointing and empty, flashing cgi, bad directed they are. I was just waiting when will they dig out M.A.S.K.
    Now, I learned that you are big fans, that you tried to stay true to the cartoons (which I adore), and I obviously haven't read the script. I hope it would be great and do the justice to the great cartoon of my childhood. My fears are only based on Transformers, G.I.Joe, Speed racer... which are, in my opinion really bad and disappointing movies.

    I wish you all the best with the script and looking forward to seeing the movie.

    PS: I like the cast, please no Bread Pits/Farrells or any similar A list actors :)

  9. hey guys

    ive always said myself for YEARS (even before Transformers 1 came out) that there should be a live action film of M.A.S.K. made, mainly on the fact that CGI has become so advanced now in order for it to do so, plus the fact we're not even talking super sized, high detailed technical transforming robots either, we're simply talking live actors, wearing special masks when needed, controlling standard vehicles that convert slightly into armored (or flying) weapons... CGI would be less technicaly than those overly-advanced Transformers anyday...

    i agree also that the timing is right too - 80s fanboys like myself have been screaming out for this stuff for years - ok, GI Joe wasn't amazing, but was a decent "turn your brain off" movie, but get the script right, get a good director and producer on the game and you're rolling... then of course get some famous or semi-famous rock band to do a take on the MASK theme (even if there's no cheesy lyrics, just the music) and you're done...

    Thundercats never got far on a live action take, but has been VERY successful with the 2011 cartoon reboot/remake (very well done, and nice new take on the story - glad Snarf couldn't talk also lol)

    anyway, PLEASE MR HOLLYWOOD BIGWIG TYPES, fanboys are crying out for this, GET IT DONE!

    Rob, 34, Nottingham, United Kingdom

    p.s. MASK intro theme here :)

  10. I thing Brian Cox would a good choice to play the role of miles mayhem.

  11. John Goodman with a gray mustache would make a good Miles Mayhem.

    1. Wrong!Riehle is the real Actor to play Miles!The resemblance is REAL!

  12. If the script takes a serious-ish tone like Transformers it could be done. I wan't this so bad! Think of the action scenes. I think it would be good for Micheal Bay or the Avengers director.

  13. All actors are perfects for the roles except for Brad Turner,Sato I think!

    80's RULE!And what about Scott and T-Bob?

  15. Why didn't you list Hondo Maclean?

    1. Hondo unfortunately isn't in our movie script although there is an easter egg for his appearance in a sequel.

  16. Thanks for the video.

    Here is my ideal cast for live action movie:

    For MASK, I will select:

    1. Robert Redford as leader Matt Trekker

    Despite his age, I am very impressed by his recent acting as hero and villian in All Hope Is Lost and Captain American: Winter Soldier.

    He also acted with Brad Pitt in Spy Game

    2. Denzel Washington as second-in-command Hondo McLean

    I also like Denzel's acting. Yet despite his great acting skills, Denzel has yet to feature in comic superhero movie.

    Now could be a perfect time.

    For the rest, I pick

    1. Jeff Bridges as Alex Sector.

    Because of his cunning looks as displayed in Ironhide, his role might have a darker side as compared to the saint one in animation despite fighting for MASK.

    2. Ryan Reynolds As Dusty Hayes

    Ryan has acted with Jeff before in RIP Police Force movie and will make an excellent buddy partner.

    His experiences as Green Lantern make him a perfect fit as well.

    3. Jeremy Renner As Brad Turner

    Am impressed by his acting in MIssion Impossible 4 with Tom Cruise, Bourne Legacy and Hansel And Gretel.

    4. Sung Kang

    His driving experiences as demonstrated in Fast And Furious movie series makes him a great choice for Bruce Satos.

    5. Gemma Arterton As Glora Baker

    Am impressed with her fighting skills and craftiness in Hansel And Gretel and James Bond: Quantum Of Solace movie with Daniel Craig.

    For VENOM, I select

    1. Kelsey Grammer as Leader Miles Maythem.

    Am impressed by his acting as main villian in current Transformers: Age Of Extinction movie.

    2. Melinda Clarke As Vanessa Williams

    Famed for playing crafty and determined female villians in Spawn movie with Michael Jai White and Martin Sheen as well as current Nikita TV series with Maggie Q.

    She can also voice the second female Decepticon in future Transformers sequels if MIchael Bay intends to include both of them.

    3. Brian Tee As Sly Rex

    His current moustached looks and the fact he once plays villian and crosses path with Sung Kang in Fast And Furious: Tokyo Drift makes him a perfect candidate for the role.

    It will not be Sly Rex against MASK but personal grudge against Bruce Satos in this movie.

    4. Michael Chiklis As Cliff Dagger

    He used to be Stoneman - one of Fantastic Four superheros.

    But lately he has crossed to dark role especially in movie Parker with Jason Satnam.

    1. I like these choice for at least Brad Turner and Cliff Dagger. I would like to see any good actor who could pull off the roll of Brad Turner except for Bradley Cooper has he just does not have the look for the role. Even Ryan Reynolds could pull of the role of Brad Turner. Steven Zahn would make a great Dusty Haynes.

    2. I'd choose Richard Riehle or Brian Cox as Mayhem
      Bruce Campbell as Sly Rax
      Aaron Eckhart as Matt Trakker(has the perfect looks)
      Denzel perfect match as Hondo
      Billy Idol could've been an Actor too and play his own figure perfect match for Floyd Malloy
      Yes as you say Steven Zahn as Dusty Hayes
      Brad Turner ?Maybe Ryan Reynolds but definitively not Bradley Cooper
      Lucas Hedges as Buddy Hawkes
      Ken Watanabe as Bruce Sato
      Vinnie Jones as Bruno Sheppard
      Melinda Clarke as Vanessa Warfield, not Williams
      Edward Norton as Nash Gorey
      Jeff Fahey could've played Calhoun Burns cos he was redhaired
      Ace Riker?
      Naveen Andrews as Ali Bombay
      Julio Lopez ?
      Rodrigo Santoro as Jaques LaFleur

  17. My Only Question Is This Who's Gonna Play Scott Trakker & Who's Would Don The Voice Of T-Bob?

  18. I was a big fan of the shows and toys. So far there is a great cast choice for this movie if it is ever made. You have to have Scott and T-Bob. T-bob should be voiced by the same person who did him in the series. For Scott I would cast the young boy from Heaven is For Real.

    1. Well for me i choose Richard Horvitz, i mean he did Alpha 5 on Mighty Morphin Power Rangers in 1993.

  19. I think Denzel can play Hondo and maybe Channing for Buddy!

  20. [img][/img]


  21. Are they making a m,a,s,k, film for the cinama

  22. Denzel as Mondo
    Bruce Campbell as Sly Rax

  23. Denzel as Hondo McLean
    Bruce Campbell as Sly Rax
    Michael Chiklis as Cliff Dagger
    Vinnie Jones as Bruno Sheppard
    Ken Watanabe as Bruce Sato
    Jeff Bridges as Alex Sector
    Billy Idol as Floyd Malloy (inspired)


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