Retrocon 2024

M.A.S.K. Episode 7: The Ultimate Weapon

Episode 7: The Ultimate Weapon
Air Date: Oct 8, 1985

PLOT: VENOM obtains a device that jams the control systems of MASK's vehicles rendering their opposition immobile.

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  • 5 = Great! A signature episode.
  • 4 = Good. Just a few minor flaws.
  • 3 = Okay. Not great but not poor either.
  • 2 = Cheesy. An episode stuck in the 80s.
  • 1 = Awful! An episode to be forgotten!
POLL UPDATE 4/22/12: 100% of the 26 voters rated this episode a "5" (46%) or a "4" (54%)

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  1. Personally, I thought more should be done with "Gloria gets hurt, Brad blames himself" part, but it just seemed to happen to get Brad and Gloria out of the story. Then Brad comes in with the holograms as a way to get the guys inside without being shot by Switchblade.

    I was happy for Scott that he finally got to be helpful. Poor T-Bob. :)

  2. In this episode we get to see one of the very few examples of a MASK-agent getting hurt, which is good. If this were real they of course would have been hurt - or killed - a lot more often.
    Another part I liked is when we are told that VENOM deliberately have leaked that their next attack site will be The Observatory in order to fool MASK, and in a way so that Buddie didn`t get suspicious. VENOM is clearly an organisation that knows what it`s doing, if we ever should have been in doubt about that!

  3. Yeah, I thought it was odd that Buddy didn't go to Matt right away after he learned the observatory was the next rumored VENOM target. Afterall he was present when Matt suggested Scott and T-Bob go there to check out the space exhibit. I used to wonder for awhile if Buddy was secretly a double agent...

    -Tony Tuski/Raggletag


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