Retrocon 2024

M.A.S.K. Series One Toys

M.A.S.K. Series One Toys
Released 1985

If you really followed the M.A.S.K. cartoon as a kid in the 80s or are just now discovering the episodes with our MASKast podcast, there's a good chance you had at least one of the M.A.S.K. toys. When the first cartoons hit the airwaves in the fall of 1985, Kenner also released ten toys that hit the shelves in time for Christmas wish lists everywhere. In our next podcast, we'll be taking a break from the episodes and discussing the series one M.A.S.K. toys!

As with the cartoon episodes, the M.A.S.K. toy vehicles outnumbered the V.E.N.O.M. vehicles in the first toy release. They included:



Now, we want your opinion!
VOTE in the blog poll at the top of this site and tell us your favorites!
In the comments section below, tell us what toy was the best and worst adaptation from the cartoon.
Also, tell us about your personal collection!
We might use your comments in our next MASKast!

UPDATE 3/25: 
74 people and 220 total votes were cast in the poll! Most popular toys chosen were: 
  1. Rhino (55%)
  2. Thunder Hawk (48%)
  3. Condor (40%)
  4. Switchblade (32%)
  5. Jackhammer (31%)
  6. Boulder Hill (25%)
  7. Piranha (22%)
  8. Firecracker (18%)
  9. Gator (14%)
  10. Scott Trakker & T-Bob (5%)

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Thanks to Matt-Trakker.Com,, Boulder-Hill.Net, and many others for pics and toy info.


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  1. Can't wait to see the video about the toys!

  2. I didn`t get any of the toys as a kid, although I wanted them, so I`m making up for it by buying some of them now instead. They are really cool! I love them!

  3. I'm pretty sure Scott and T-Bob came out a bit later, like with Hurricane and Volcano wave. At least in the US anyway.

    I had all of these as a kid, and have them again as an adult. I think all of series 1 toys are pretty faithful to their animation counterparts, but I'd say Switchblade was the closest. I'd also say the Mile Mayhem and Alex Sector figures capture the cartoon characters' likenesses the best compared to the other figures.

  4. I even had a blanket so my dreams and sleeps were protected by M.A.S.K

  5. I liked Rhino though I thought Alex Sector should have been with it along with Bruce Sato instead of Matt Trakker.


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