Retrocon 2024

Follow Us On Twitter!

Wyatt and I have both enjoyed interacting with M.A.S.K. fans on Twitter over the past several months. It's a great way to get instant feedback about our blog posts, MASKast podcast, or just hear a quick encouraging word from fans who have just discovered our cause. For instance, check out this recent tweet by WWE referee Jason Ayers when he stumbled onto our cause:

Wyatt and I both check our @maskmovie account. Wyatt loves mainly to retweet and respond to people who have M.A.S.K. on the brain. Nerd Rage Toys tweeted us recently after walking past a car in the parking lot...

While I, on the other hand, like to have a little fun with Twitter trends at times and try to give M.A.S.K. fans a little chuckle...

So whether you want a quick way to interact with us or stay up-to-date with the latest posts and MASKast episodes that we've released, we invite you follow us and help show your support by retweeting M.A.S.K. Movie content!

And now, we've created a new Twitter account! If you've been on Twitter for long, you'll notice many parody accounts setup to simply make you laugh. My eye for marketing has noticed Star Wars parody accounts like @DepressedDarth and @DeathStarPR have attracted over 200,000 followers! The sports parody account @TheFakeESPN has nearly 350,000! Now granted, M.A.S.K. is not as widely known as those entities, but I thought we'd give it a shot to help promote our cause. Introducing @BruceSatoSays, where we plan to give Bruce Sato's proverbs a modern twist! So, follow our new account in addition to our @maskmovie account as we try to get people laughing and talking about M.A.S.K.!

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