Retrocon 2024

Sign The Petition Today To Bring Back M.A.S.K.!

Our ultimate goal and reason we started this website back in 2011 was to see M.A.S.K. again as a live-action movie. Although our aspirations began for this sole purpose, we recognize that any incarnation or reboot of the franchise in the present day would be very exciting. Seeing a new animated series, comics, toys, or a movie would achieve any fan's dream of bringing back M.A.S.K.!

For over a year, Wyatt and I have had the pleasure of interacting with fan and blogger Scott Crawford from the M.A.S.K. Comics blog. Scott has communicated several great ideas to us and his latest effort is a bold move that we support. He created a petition via Change.Org back in February to urge Hasbro to bring back M.A.S.K. as a live-action movie. Even though Scott has his own screenplay, We have both signed it to show our unified support for this effort. We've said for a long time that whether it's our script or someone else's that get made, we belive M.A.S.K. would be very successful in the present day.

So, as we launch our new fansite Agents of M.A.S.K., we implore all agents to take a few minutes to sign the Bring Back M.A.S.K. petition. Let's show Hasbro how much we still love the franchise! So far, there have been 160 people sign and would love that number to be in the thousands. Keep the momentum going by signing today and sharing with your friends!

Who knows, we could see something like this in the near future!
Image credit: Grant Shorter Art

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