Retrocon 2024

Awesome Content Provided On The First M.A.S.K. Day Celebration

WOW. A big thank you to everyone who participated in the 1st ever M.A.S.K. day! There was an awesome response from fans to go with some great content provided from the M.A.S.K. community and beyond! Wyatt and I had fun sharing all the content, hosting a live Q/A on Facebook, and putting together the M.A.S.K. day article featuring a brief timeline of the franchise (credit mainly to Wyatt.)

When we were approached over a month ago by Scott from M.A.S.K. Comics about this opportunity to celebrate the franchise, I'm not sure anyone knew what to expect. But I believe it's safe to say that all of us who were included in that original email are happy with how it turned out! The entire M.A.S.K. community and fandom now have something to build on for next year's big 30th anniversary and also years to come.

I decided to chronicle as much of the #MASKday content as I could and present a little round-up for those that weren't online throughout the day. 

Bill of started the day proving that M.A.S.K. is still relevant. We got some great insight into Bill's personal experience along with a fun video of his nephew and niece playing with some of the toys from his collection! Bill also hosted a T-shirt giveaway.

The best surprise on M.A.S.K. Day was the awesome new website design unveiled by Erik of Boulder-Hill.Net! From the Kenner-style font to the new logo to the new drop-down menus, M.A.S.K. fans should be thrilled for years to come! The site also is now mobile friendly and more great content was announced in the blogpost.

The mastermind behind M.A.S.K. Day, Scott at M.A.S.K. Comics, wrote a great open letter to Hasbro to express his support for a M.A.S.K. comeback. He also gives some great insight into writing his movie script and also talk about the 2011 appearance of M.A.S.K. in an IDW comic. Scott also hosted a live Q/A event on the M.A.S.K. Comics Facebook page and is also giving away the novel of "The Deathstone!"

Our pal Paul Panfalone was gracious enough to give M.A.S.K. fans a 25% discount on those coveted Spectrum and Viper posters!

Rob of Epic Toy Box has been posting M.A.S.K. content all week leading up to yesterday's celebration. Not only did we get a look at all the MIB toy he has, but he also gave fans a chance to win a Condor! Be sure to view all the photos posted on the page this week.

Toyspredator also joined in the fun this week by posting pictures of their very own M.A.S.K. trnsport plane and several original displays of the Boulder Hill and combined vehicles concepts.

Even though he came up short of his Facebook goal, artist Darren Gregson still gave away his Thunder Hawk drawing to a lucky follower! He also debuted his new Secret Raiders store on Zazzle featuring those great drawings we told you about recently.

Your 80s Toy Shop also posted some great photos on Facebook including some carded figures and boxed vehicles.

Toy Escapades unboxed a vintage M.A.S.K. cassette player & also posted some pics of the Colorform set and jigsaw puzzle.

M.A.S.K. Day also got some great support from G.I. Joe fans at the Joe A Day Action Blog. They put together a nice tribute post to Matt Trakker and Thunder Hawk.

Some other great fan support included this poster created by Jose Rodrigez which we used to headline this post.

Marcel Van Berkel sent us a message about his effort to animate Boulder Hill! View more of the still photos here

And to end on a fun note, Derek Muterspaw aka Mr PoppinTwist sent us this photo of Dusty Hayes he twisted from balloons!

So there you have it! That's about everything I saw on M.A.S.K. day. If I missed something, please leave a link in the comments. Thanks again to all who participated and can't wait until next year's 30th celebration!

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