Retrocon 2024

Overview of M.A.S.K. Episodes 21-30

It's taken a little longer than expected, but Wyatt and I have finally finished watching and reviewing episodes 21-30 of the M.A.S.K. animated series for MASKast. As we've done in the past, we will take a quick look back at these ten episodes and give an overview on the next and final podcast for 2014.

We've witnessed some great moments over the past ten episodes and also some that quite frankly I'd like to forget! Most of V.E.N.O.M.'s plots were practical schemes with only a couple mystical journeys. We got our first new M.A.S.K. vehicle in "Nightstalker" (aka Hurricane) while V.E.N.O.M. also introduced us to some of their own inventions and vehicles. We also got to see characters in costume as well as some colorful arguments between Vanessa and Rax.

Our listener assignment for MASKast 42 will be to vote for your favorite episodes using the poll below. Vote for as many as you like and we'll announce the results on the upcoming podcast. Also, leave a comment with your choices and why you thought they ranked among the best.

Here's a list of the episodes we'll be discussing (click to watch on YouTube):

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