Retrocon 2024

Custom Rhino Vehicle Featured At Hisstank.Com

Until we get that big announcement from Hasbro (cross your fingers it might happen at NY Toy Fair this month), we'll just have to revel in custom M.A.S.K. vehicle creations. A came across a perfect example recenty over at which features a custom Rhino! This is the kind of toy I'd love to see this year, giving a modern feel to classic function.

Forum member Toyphilia provided a series of photos along with how the custom truck and figure were created. Here's his explaination:
Got a KO ROTF Optimus Prime from my friend Ryan Uybenkee. It was huge. When transformed into a truck i noticed it was the same scale of G.I. Joe. I took away all the truck parts, added a lot of misc parts and came out with my own version of the 80's M.A.S.K. Rhino that fits the scale of your modern G.I. Joe. This custom has all the features of the original Rhino. What seems to look like a regular 10 wheeler is actually a tank filled with surprises. From the power ram front bumpers, smokestacks becoming high powered laser cannons, doors that open, a mobile command center with a powerful spring action missile launcher, to the all terrain vehicle equipped with bulletproof sheild canopy, front mounted vibration cannons and an additional missile launcher with spring action. Bruce Sato, the Rhinos driver, is made from the G.I. Joes Hardmaster with a custom hand made Lifter Mask. This (Rhino) custom is 5 to 6 inches wide, 16 to 18 inches long, and 9 inches high. Now the newly recruited Matt Trakker finally has his partner to fight against Venom!
The defense mode looks like it has all the bells and whistles of the original with the battering ram grill, smoke stack guns, missile launcher, and all-terrain vehicle. Only thing it doesn't have is the passenger ejector seat which I never understood in the first place. Anyway, take a good look at what might be the best custom Rhino ever created!

All images courtesy

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  1. Whoa!, Hasbro Should Hire Him To Relaunched The M.A.S.K. Legacy Pronto!


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