Retrocon 2024

M.A.S.K. Episode 41: "Stop Motion"

We begin "Season 5" of MASKast with episode #41 titled "Stop Motion." This time, Gloria Baker enters the Indianapolis 500 race which is cut short by V.E.N.O.M. who obtains an EMP bomb. With the capability of by knocking out all electronics for miles around, Mayhem threatens to loot bank vaults across the USA with only M.A.S.K. standing in their way.

Here are the episode stats...

AIR DATE: Nov 25, 1985
CHARACTERS: (M.A.S.K.) Matt Trakker, Bruce Sato, Gloria Baker, Scott & T-Bob. (V.E.N.O.M.) Miles Mayhem, Vanessa Warfield, Sly Rax, Cliff Dagger.
VEHICLES: (M.A.S.K.) Thunder Hawk, Shark, Rhino. (V.E.N.O.M.) Jackhammer, Piranha.

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  1. I think this is a generally good episode. It is a little heavy on Scott and T-Bob, but they're not annoying. They usually are doing something stupid when they stumble onto VENOM, but in this case they were trying to do something helpful that wasn't totally unreasonable, getting a video tape from the blimp.

    It's really cool to see Gloria in her professional setting as a champion racecar driver, Danica Patrick eat your heart out. I love the banter between Miles and Vanessa and between Sly and Dagger, bad guy in-fighting at its best. The music in M.A.S.K. is always great, but they really used it well in this episode. And finally, the battle at the end was really fun (despite the non-stop one liners from Matt). And we got lots of mask use, Stiletto twice, Torch, Aura twice and Lifter.

    I do have a couple of nitpicks. First, the arena announcer is basically just Brad Turner and we all know it. Also, did 1980s racecars really have enough electronics that they would completely melt down from an EMP? I HIGHLY doubt it. And sadly, there is no call up, but that did make for a natural group to fight VENOM, and for once M.A.S.K. is actually outnumbered.

    All in all I think this is a really solid episode that has a great pace. There are a couple of little moments that keep it from being perfect, so I've rated it a 4 out of 5.

    P.S. The PSA had nothing to do with the episode, which is too bad. And one of the firemen looked and sounded almost exactly like Alex Sector, I guess times are tough for veterinarians.

  2. The best part of this episode is seeing Vanessa flying an air ship. She seems to be able to operate all types of vessels, like in a later episode when she even flies a spaceship. I also like seeing Gloria as a racecar driver, and that her taking part in a race is used as part of the action in an episode, instead of being something she gets interrupted from and has to abandon when she gets called up by MASK. There is a good battle at the end and some nice usage of the masks, and some of the discussions between Rax and Dagger are quite entertaining. This was an ok episode, but it wasn’t perfect. Among other things I found some of T-Bob’s comments when he was hanging from and falling from the blimp quite annoying. I therefore gave it a four.

  3. This episode was just kind of boring. And as usual it had way too much Scott and T-Bob. I honestly did not care what happened to them at all. The fight at the end was ok, but really felt lacking with the absence of Switchblade and Manta. I really loved Rax's line "I hate them!", especially since he said it with such hostility right after Bruce's dumb pun. I feel your pain Rax.


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