Retrocon 2024

M.A.S.K. Episode 46: "Secret of the Stones"

Our next MASKast review will feature episode #46 "Secret of the Stones" in which V.E.N.O.M. learns of a strange stone that contains a power to make objects weightless. Its up to our M.A.S.K. heroes to stop Mayhem and crew from obtaining these powers in showdown near the Yucatan Peninsula in Mexico.

Check out the episode stats and then watch the episode below...

AIR DATE: Dec 2, 1985
CHARACTERS: (M.A.S.K.) Matt Trakker, Hondo MacLean, Alex Sector, Scott & T-Bob. (V.E.N.O.M.) Miles Mayhem, Vanessa Warfield, Cliff Dagger, Sly Rax.
VEHICLES: (M.A.S.K.) Rhino. (V.E.N.O.M.) Switchblade, Manta, Piranha, Jackhammer.

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  1. I really liked this episode. It seemed to have more VENOM scenes than usual, which is always a plus. Scott and T-Bob were annoying of course, but the scenes with VENOM helped me quickly forget about them. I especially liked how VENOM seemed to really have things together in this one, what with Mayhem's brilliant plans of blocking the moonlight and disabling the MASK vehicles. There are a few flaws however. First, if the stone is activated only by the light of the full moon, then it shouldn't have worked two nights in a row. Second, even if the light in the pyramid was blocked, shouldn't the stone slabs at the entrances still be affected by the stone itself when it was outside? Finally, wouldn't the stones that Scott and T-Bob hurled at VENOM harmlessly bounce off their vehicles, since they're weightless as well? Still, a really good episode overall, and what's even better is that VENOM wasn't defeated by MASK!


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