Retrocon 2024

Read The First Four Pages Of 'M.A.S.K. Revolution #1' Comic (SPOILERS!!)

The Hollywood Reporter just released an exclusive 4-page preview of the new M.A.S.K.: Revolution #1 comic book! The one-off issue that ties into IDW's Revolution series will be released September 28 and sets up the origins of our new secret raiders. After Revolution, M.A.S.K. will get its own series this November and begin the war against V.E.N.O.M. and Miles Mayhem.

If you've been following along this summer, you seen some previews of Miles Mayhem along with other Hasbro properties in Revolution. We've also been teased with concept art of both factions and finally just this past week with some images of the new vehicles. Now, for those fans who are anxious to get some insight into the new M.A.S.K. universe and don't mind spoilers, you can read the first four pages of M.A.S.K.: Revolution #1 below. If you prefer to wait until next week to read the complete story, continue no further!!!!


Still here?? Cool! I've been waiting to dive in for months.
Read the pages and then stick around for some things that caught my eye...

How cool were those vehicle cameos!!! That's actually kind of how Wyatt and I used the classic vehicles in our screenplay. Anyway, I was really glad to see Easton and Vargas tip the cap to us lifelong fans. 

So looks like Mayhem (or Manheim, I'm still referring to him as Mayhem) is the one behind the technology and he is the leader before the agents split into factions.

"Sylvester Rax"...nice touch. I would've expected him to hit on Vanessa first (which I noticed on page 3) but I like how he put the moves on Gloria. And speaking of V.E.N.O.M. agents, that looks like Bruno and maybe Dagger on page 3 as well! Even if they don't include them in major part of the story, I'm very happy if they are establishing them now to bring into the new series in November.

Page 2, is that Jackhammer in the top right corner?

I like that we are able to read Mayhem's thoughts. His eminent betrayal of the very team he is assembling adds so much more to his character from the animated series. He's thinking 10 steps ahead and I like it.

What still remains a mystery is Matt's past. We know he did something incredibly stupid and from the judicial mention, he quite possibly is responsible for his father's death (or thinks he is.) 

Anxious to get back story on the other M.A.S.K. agents and why it seems Matt, Gloria, Brad, and Julio were chosen above the others.

(Deep Breath) OK, only 5 more days until we can dive into the complete book!! I can't wait!! Did you notice anything I missed??

All images courtesy THR

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