Retrocon 2024

MASKast 38 With Doug Stone Now On YouTube

Almost two years ago, we had the awesome opportunity to interview voice actor Doug Stone on MASKast. We were so delighted that he was willing to talk about his career and experiences working on the M.A.S.K. animated series. It remains as one of our favorite moments on the show during the past four and half years.

Our audience on YouTube is growing since we began posting our recording sessions to our channel and I wanted to give our subscribers a little treat. While we didn't have a video feed for the interview with Doug, I've gone back and added relavant pictures to our podcast audio in order to create a vidcast of this special moment in MASKast history. The pictures added include several M.A.S.K. characters when Doug performs the voices and also pictures from his shows and projects that he speaks about during the show.

Go back and revisit MASKast 38 or perhaps experience for the first time now on YouTube...

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