Retrocon 2024

Bruno Shepard Poll Results

The votes are in!! You're overwhelming choice to play V.E.N.O.M.'s Bruno "Mad Dog" Shepard in a live action M.A.S.K. movie is ...

...Vinnie Jones!!

Vinnie received 63% of the overall vote (24). Kevin Durand of Lost came in 2nd place with 18% of the vote (7), while Bill Goldberg was a close 3rd with 15% of the vote (6). Ty Olsson received one vote. No votes were cast for None of the Above, because I forgot to add it as an option!! Sorry!! We only received 38 total votes which is a bit disappointing, considering we had been get close to 100 each month. Hopefully, we can get more for our January poll.

Jones is a formidable tough guy actor that could really bring Bruno Shepard to life. Known for films like  Snatch, Lock Stock and Two Smoking Barrels, Gone in Sixty Seconds, and X-men the Last Stand, Jones would be a great addition to our cast and provide the muscle for V.E.N.O.M. in our script.

Thanks to everyone who voted!! Be looking on our homepage for the new poll which will be V.E.N.O.M.'s Nash Gorey!!

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