Retrocon 2024

M.A.S.K. Episode 11: The Magma Mole

Episode 11: Magma Mole

AIR DATE: Oct 14, 1985
PLOT: VENOM uses a mole machine to drill into the Earth which threatens Tokyo with devastating floods and an eruption of Mount Fuji.
Characters: (M.A.S.K.) Matt Trakker, Alex Sector, Bruce Sato, Gloria Baker, Buddy Hawks, Brad Turner, Scott & T-Bob (V.E.N.O.M.) Miles Mayhem, Cliff Dagger, Sly Rax, Vanessa Warfield.
Vehicles: (M.A.S.K.) Thunderhawk, Rhino, Firecracker, Condor (V.E.N.O.M.) Switchblade, Jackhammer, Piranha

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  • 5 = Great! A signature episode.
  • 4 = Good. Just a few minor flaws.
  • 3 = Okay. Not great but not poor either.
  • 2 = Cheesy. An episode stuck in the 80s.
  • 1 = Awful! An episode to be forgotten!
UPDATE (6/10/12): 94% of voters said this episode was a "5" or "4."

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  1. I spoke to a Facebook-friend about a year ago who had this as his favourite episode, and I agree with him that it really is a good one, although it`s not my favourite. I like the scenes with Vanessa in Switchblade and also the scene at the end when Matt nearly gets cooked alive!
    One minor flaw, however, is the PSA when they repeat the message from The Highway Of Terror about checking how deep the water is.


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