Retrocon 2024

M.A.S.K. Episode 13: The Creeping Terror

 Episode 13: The Creeping Terror

AIR DATE: Oct 16, 1985
PLOT: V.E.N.O.M. unleashes a horde of giant caterpillars to destroy a South American jungle in hopes of finding a lost Mayan temple.
Characters: (M.A.S.K.) Matt Trakker, Alex Sector, Hondo MacLean, Brad Turner, Scott & T-Bob (V.E.N.O.M.) Miles Mayhem, Cliff Dagger, Sly Rax, Vanessa Warfield.
Vehicles: (M.A.S.K.) Thunderhawk, Rhino, Firecracker, Condor (V.E.N.O.M.) Switchblade, Manta, Jackhammer, Piranha

Watch the full episode below! 

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  • 5 = Great! A signature episode.
  • 4 = Good. Just a few minor flaws.
  • 3 = Okay. Not great but not poor either.
  • 2 = Cheesy. An episode stuck in the 80s.
  • 1 = Awful! An episode to be forgotten!
UPDATE (7/9/12): 57% of voters said this episode was a "3." 29% voted "4."

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  1. Those were some funny looking coconuts.


  2. This is not a very good episode. It`s too much about giant catepillars and too little about the ancient map, hidden valley and the giant crystal. When Mayhem flies closely over MASK when they aren`t wearing their masks, it`s also a little strange that he doesn`t notice their faces. But - as always - I like the Vanessa-scenes.


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