Retrocon 2024

MASKast 29: Mardi Gras Mystery

Podcast #29: Mardi Gras Mystery
Posted: Feb 19, 2013

Hello Maskast listeners! Sorry for the delay between podcasts, but we're back with another fun episode review of the M.A.S.K. animated series. We're also gonna try to have MASKast 30 in the books before month's end!

In the meantime, join Jason and Wyatt as they review M.A.S.K. episode 21 "Mardi Gras Mystery." You'll hear our own personal commentary and ratings with audio clips sprinkled in, plus poll results and listener comments from our blog. This episode features M.A.S.K. battling V.E.N.O.M. over a superfuel with New Orleans as the backdrop. Episode topics include a discussion about Matt giving Scott more opportunities to help the team and why Rax & Dagger weren't recognized at the beginning of the episode. We also kick off a new "What's Happening In The M.A.S.K. Community" segment featuring the latest news and buzz around the internet. Finally, we give a preview of the next MASKast which will feature episode 22 "The Secret Of Life."

Stream MASKast 29 below via our Mixcloud archive or Stitcher Radio...

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  1. A little bit behind the times, but I've just finished listening to your latest MASKAST.

    Wyatt made a comment about Vanessa driving Jackhammer which would've made it a Right-hand Drive vehicle. As I'm sure you are aware, many countries throughout the world have RHD cars including the UK, Australia, New Zealand, South Africa, Singapore and Japan - where the cartoons are made.

    Sometimes I think the makers of cartoons forget they are making for the US Market and make the vehicles drive on the side of the road they are used to.

    However, I watched this back and Miles Mayhem is definitely driving Jackhammer as a LHD vehicle and Vanessa is sitting in the passenger seat.

    I think the confusion comes from a line Miles Mayhem says - it sounds like he is giving Vanessa the order to "Slow it down". (He may have made a comment that he was "Slowing Down" but sounded like "Slow it Down").

    Maybe it was written that Vanessa was to be driving but the illustrators decided otherwise?

    One final note, I'm not keen on the Circus-style music at the start of the cartoon. I'm sure they use this theme a couple of times and it's not really the best I'm afraid!

  2. Thanks for the comment. Always appreciate them no matter I'd its before our after the podcast.

    I went back and watched that scene too and I do believe Wyatt was confused. That mistake has happened before in the show, where the animators have the driver on the right side like in Europe for an instance and the rest of the episode has the drivers on the left.

    I'm not too keen on the circus music either. In fact, I meant to mention I heard the same music in an episode of Heathcliff recently that my boys and I were watching.


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