Retrocon 2024

Impressive 3-D Concept Of Boulder Hill

I first learned about Marcel Van Berkel's effort to design Boulder Hill in 3-D back in September on M.A.S.K. Day. He sent us a note about using a design program called Sketchup to not only design M.A.S.K.'s headquarters in 3-D, but also eventually animate his concept.

I checked his Facebook photo album recently to find he's making great progress! I definitely wanted to feature some of the fantastic pictures he's made available and invite everyone to take a look his album. Here are a few more outside shots (click images to enlarge):

As far as the inside goes, Marcel has designed the "M.A.S.K. room" table that lifts the agents up to get their energized masks. He's also put concepts together for the tunnel that brings Matt Trakker from the mansion and also some of the computer equipment.

Marcel's concept for the transport plane I thought was very interesting and takes a twist on another '80s show. Instead of having the transport plane in a hangar at some airfield, this concept shows the transport plane having Harrier jet type capabilities and hiding in an Airwolf-like cavern inside Boulder Hill. Great idea! Although I guess it wouldn't be too hard to imagine the crew rolling out to a nearby airstrip, the fact that all the vehicles are kept inside Boulder Hill and having a way to launch from there just makes more sense. Take a look...

 Looking forward to seeing these designs in motion and will definitely share them with everyone once they are made available.

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