Retrocon 2024

"T-Bob: The Real M.A.S.K. Hero" Music Video Tribute

I've said for some time on MASKast that T-Bob never gets enough credit for his contributions to the team. Yeah, it's hard to get around all of the bad jokes and puns that he utters each episode, but he has bailed out Scott Trakker and even Matt numerous times when they were in danger. After he does do something brave, he then hardly ever gets credit for it. Time to change all of that!!

Our latest music video tribute showcases T-Bob's heroism throughout the M.A.S.K. animated series. I have to credit Wyatt for coming up with the song choice of "Holding Out For a Hero" by Bonnie Tyler. Check out some of T-Bob's bravest moments as "The Real Hero of M.A.S.K." (well, at least for this 3-minute video.) Watch below and let me know what you think in the comments below or on YouTube.

Visit the new M.A.S.K. Music Video Tributes Playlist where you can watch our other music video tributes including Thunder Hawk, Sly Rax, and Vanessa Warfield. If you have any suggestions for a future mashup of vehicle/character and song, we'd love to hear it in the comments!

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