Retrocon 2024

M.A.S.K. Episode 42 "Artemis Enigma"

The next episode review for MASKast will be #42 titled "Artemis Enigma" in which Sly Rax steals a sacred horn from a group of Greek monks. The artifact is rumored to detect gold so it's up to M.A.S.K. to stop V.E.N.O.M. and return the horn to its rightful owners.

Here are the episode stats...

AIR DATE: Nov 26, 1985
CHARACTERS: (M.A.S.K.) Matt Trakker, Alex Sector, Gloria Baker, Scott & T-Bob. (V.E.N.O.M.) Miles Mayhem, Vanessa Warfield, Sly Rax, Cliff Dagger.
VEHICLES: (M.A.S.K.) Thunder Hawk, Rhino. (V.E.N.O.M.) Switchblade, Manta, Jackhammer, Piranha.

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  1. This episode just had way too much mysticism for my taste. I really did not understand how those crazy horns could drag people around or fly off in different directions like iron being attracted to a magnet. The Scott and T-Bob scenes, like always, served no purpose other than to try and bring about cheap laughs. The trying to find water with a stick scene was completely irrelevant to the rest of the episode. Also, why didn't Rax just swipe the gold bars that were on the altar with the horns? And why did Mayhem even need the horns to figure out what the monks were doing with the gold they found? It's pretty obvious the monks would be storing the gold in the monastery, I mean, where else would they keep it? VENOM could've easily assaulted the monastery and taken all the gold before MASK would've even known what was happening. Also, what were Rax, Dagger, and Vanessa hoping to do to help Mayhem out once they reached the top of the bell tower? Maybe shoot at Thunderhawk with their masks? That would've been interesting to see. Plus, the very Scooby-Doo type plunge they took onto Manta with the goofy sound effects seemed really odd. Just a very dumb episode overall.

  2. This is an ok episode. It has some good fight scenes with Alex Sector using Jackrabbit when facing Rax and later Switchblade. I also like it when Thunderhawk falls down in order to avoid Switchblade and then open its wings just before hitting the ground. The plot is ok, even though I suppose one can say that nothing unexpected or out of the ordinary really happens. I still found the episode enjoyable enough to give it a four.

  3. " Not to be, or to be ": T-Bob, "nobody has anything Robot Style"/ But where did the Horns go at 10:08 ? / Alex: "Easy fellows, I donated to the Wildlife Association", haha! /


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