Retrocon 2024

MASKast Chat: Bill Higa Interview / San Diego Comic Con Panel

Wyatt and Jason had an unique opportunity to talk with Bill Higa who has facilitated an awesome event at this year's San Diego Comic Con. Four voice actors from the animated series will come together for a panel/signing and Bill gives us the inside scoop on how it all came together. He also tells us about an awesome chance for fans unable to attend to acquire some collectibles from the event on Kickstarter. More details to be revealed but for now, listen to Bill's love for M.A.S.K. and his motivation to pull off this fantastic event for fans worldwide.

Stream the podcast below or connect with our MASKast feeds. Support the reunion now by visiting the M.A.S.K. 31st Anniversary Voice Cast Reunion Kickstarter Campaign now! Be on the lookout on this website and our social media for more details on this event in the near future.

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