Retrocon 2024

M.A.S.K. #4 Now Available in Comic Shops and Digital Download

After a major cliffhanger in M.A.S.K. #3, Mayhem manipulation and dominance over the Trakker family has really come to light. You can find a preview of M.A.S.K. #4 at Comics Alliance in which the truth comes to light and an epic battle looms. Here is the official synopsis for the 4th issue:

Mayhem and V.E.N.O.M. have Matt Trakker and the M.A.S.K. team trapped with no hope of escape unless Gloria Baker can use an ace up her sleeve to save the day. But Mayhem is primed to unleash his final assault and implement his plan to distribute his secret weapons across the planet as the final battle between M.A.S.K and V.E.N.O.M is set.

Story by Brandon Easton
Art by Tony Vargas
Colors by Jordi Escuin
Letters by Gilberto Lazcano
Cover Art by Tommy Lee Edwards 

M.A.S.K. #4 will feature 3 variant covers including two subscription variants, one from Andrew Griffith & Jordi Escuin featuring three V.E.N.O.M. agents and also a Joe Suitor cover featuring Matt Trakker and Miles Mayhem. The rare 10-copy incentive cover will be from Artyom Trakhanov featuring the new Cliff Dagger alongside Rax and Vanessa. From page 2 of the new book, here is a guide to all of the covers which I believe mistakenly swapped the Suitor and Trakhanov covers:

Visit your local comic shop today (find one here) or download digitally from IDW PublishingAmazonGoogle Play, or Comixology. We encourage our fellow fans to pickup a copy today and share their opinions. Tell us what you think of the series so far and we might include them in an upcoming MASKast podcast.

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