Retrocon 2024

Watch Our M.A.S.K. Toy Commercial (With Outtakes!)

If you listened to our Retro Con 2018 Review podcast, you know we hinted at a special video that we shot while attending the show. About a week before, our friend Bill Faries of sent us an idea to film a M.A.S.K. toy commercial. Of course, Wyatt and I were both all-in on the idea and it made the anticipation for Retro Con even more exciting.

The concept was quite simple. While there were great vehicles like Thunder Hawk, Condor, and Switchblade in the M.A.S.K. toyline, there were also several that were less than desirable. The stationary Billboard Blast and Collector are two that just don't measure up when comparing to most other M.A.S.K. toys. Bill's concept for the commercial was to film in the style of the '80s M.A.S.K. commercials with us three grown men playing the kids. However, Bill and I were stuck with the two lame toys with Wyatt flying Condor and requesting our help to capture V.E.N.O.M. vehicles.

We stepped away from Retro Con to have lunch at a nearby restaurant and found a rather vacant parking lot near a movie theater. We decided this would be our set for the commercial and shot the video on my phone after our meal. We had a great time pretending we were kids again while at the same point trying to capture something we could actually produce into a fun video. Bill's script required a voiceover for the commercial and we thought it would be best to ask Doug Stone (voice actor for Matt Trakker) if he would record a few lines for us. He agreed and our commercial was complete!

Bill produced the commercial and has already released on his Matt-Trakker YouTube channel and "Behind the M.A.S.K." web series. I decided to tackle the outtakes and add them to the end of the commercial for our AOM YouTube channel. Hope you enjoy and will give your thoughts in the comments...


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