Retrocon 2024

Script Update #2 - RALLY!

M.A.S.K. fans,
Yesterday we received our first letter from Hasbro. We asked if they would allow us to use the M.A.S.K. rights. At this time, Hasbro is "not interested in granting rights in or to the (M.A.S.K.) property at this time," according to a senior vice president. However, this initial rejection will not deter us.
We honestly believe if there is enough interest, we will be able to get M.A.S.K. on the big screen. Currently, we have a filmmaker, who is M.A.S.K. fan,  reviewing our script. We hope his insight will help us make our script better and more appealing to Hasbro and the likes of Hollywood.

We are calling for all of you M.A.S.K. fans to help us spread the word! Tell your friends and ask them to tell their friends! Please leave your comments, so we can show just how many people are behind us. As we've said before, our main goal is to get M.A.S.K. on the big screen whether it's using our script or not!


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