Retrocon 2024

Script Excerpt #3

M.A.S.K. fans! Today were are pleased to bring you a third look into our live-action script.

If you will remember, our first script excerpt (we posted way back in March) revealed a scene with Matt Trakker and Alex Sector at Trakker Oil, as they searched for a secret location to setup headquarters. The second script excerpt in May, revealed a scene with Gloria Baker and Alex at a rock concert. Their mission was to convince Brad Turner to put his guitar down for awhile and rejoin the team.

Keeping with our August actor poll, our third excerpt reveals a scene with the V.E.N.O.M. team.
It takes place at their headquarters, a rundown auto salvage yard. Having Switchblade as his only asset, Miles is in desperate need of some other vehicles to execute his master plan. With Vanessa Warfield and Nash Gorey obtaining some classified documents, Miles has recruited Sly Raxx, Cliff Dagger, and Bruno "Mad Dog" Sheppard to build the vehicles.

As you read, you will find some hints about other scenes in the movie that have taken place. This is also one of the few scenes with all six V.E.N.O.M. characters together. Enjoy!




Blake’s Auto Salvage is located on an old airstrip. There are
many dirt roads and fields lined with junk cars for miles.
About a mile from the main office is a neglected airfield.
There are a few old hangars still standing.


The hangar office is set up with office furniture made from
automotive parts (car hood as a table, car seats as office
chairs or benches, etc). Miles is sitting behind a desk,
looking over some files and blue prints. Bruno “Mad Dog”
Sheppard, Sly Raxx, and Cliff Dagger walk in. They all go to
the makeshift kitchen area and pour themselves some coffee.

Well Mr. Miles, another day of coffee, pop
tarts, and our lovely new home.

(Eating a pop tart)
Yeah! Where’s this “big score” you’ve been
gloating about?

Miles continues to look over the files.

Need I remind you that I’m the one who
sprung you from that miserable prison?
(Looking up at the men)
So, you idiots better keep your mouths shut!
Have you found me any usable vehicles?

The three men make their way towards the large conference table.
Yeah, we’ve salvaged some vehicles that you
requested. I’ve got them all running pretty
well, too.

But what are we going to use them for? We
can’t use these jalopies to hit a bank.
We’ll stick out like a sore thumb!
(Mocking Miles)
Need I remind you that we’re fugitives and
the cops are looking for us.

The door slams before Miles can respond. Vanessa and Nash walk
in. Nash throws a large box of donuts on the table. Vanessa
also sets a few plastic bags of groceries down on the table.
All three men rush to grab a donut and sit back at the table.

RAXXAh! The breakfast of champions.

Are those two vehicles and the bike running

(Eating a donut)
We were just talkin’ about that.

They’re all running, Donut Queen.
But I do need to take the bike for a test
ride, wanna be my copilot?

Vanessa scoffs.

I wouldn’t bother her if I were you.
(Looks at Miles)
Miles, do you think these guys will be able
to handle this?

BRUNODamn right, we can! Mayhem, I think it’s
time you, and stick boy here, filled us all
in on what your planning.

Bruno, Raxx, and Dagger pause from eating and look over at
Miles. Raxx speaks up before Miles can answer.

I agree. We’re supposed to be partners in
this, Mayhem, but you are the one that seems
to be barking all the orders.

Yeah! You owe me, and my cousin Blake, for
using these facilities here. We haven’t
seen any compensation since that botched
attempt to get us some cash in Vegas.

Miles slaps down the blueprint papers and stands up.

Listen, you ungrateful bastards! There’s a
bigger plan here than any of you can

Miles picks up the blueprints and walks over to the conference

Now, from these blueprints that were
recovered, we can develop the same
technology that my old comrade has been using.
And now with Trakker out of the way, we’ll
be able to drive up to any bank, anywhere,
in the middle of the day, and they won’t
have a clue of the firepower we have in
these vehicles.

As always, we love hearing your comments on our Facebook page or Twitter! Our new location for publishing script excerpts is the FanFiction.Net website. Please visit the Agents of M.A.S.K. FanFiction page for more excerpts.

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  1. fan tasic can't wait for the film

  2. Will this ever be a movie? I have been obsessed with this show ever since the 80s and would die happy if this wojld actually be a big theater release.greatest show ever made

  3. i agree, alive action would make me sleep better when i six foot under, i would leave my mega stashed m.a.s.k. toy collection to my daughter, so she would have a good start in life....i got pretty much all apart from a couple of european figure sets....

  4. instead of continue writing VENOM like a silly thug group, you can reinvent them as a dark, deadly terror organization, with Miles Mayhem as a serious, stern, dark character - Think the character of: Osama bin Laden + The Mandarin (the serious version from Iron Man 3) + Hitler.
    And because of this character change, Miles Mayhem no longer say silly sentences like " you idiots better keep your mouths shut! "
    Instead he gives a strong glare with his eyes "QUIET!" and Raxx and Bruno immediately gave the respect in fear


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