Retrocon 2024

Script Update #6: RALLY!


As we have done in the past, we are asking M.A.S.K. movie fans to RALLY! We need your help to make this movie a reality. We've relied heavily on Blogger, Twitter, Facebook, and, of course, YOU to get the word out. It's the fastest way of telling M.A.S.K. fans about our cause. Please take a few seconds to tweet or post to your world about M.A.S.K. the movie. Click on these links:

Well, the long awaited release of the M.A.S.K.: The Complete Series DVD collection has come and gone. We've definitely seen some heightened awareness during the past few weeks. Our blog views, Twitter followers, and Facebook likes have increased every month since we started promoting our movie script in early 2011. We are grateful to those of you fans who have joined us in recent weeks. Looking forward to your feedback as we keep pressing on toward our goal of getting M.A.S.K. back in theaters and on televisions across the world. 

Speaking of which, we are continuing to pursue film industry people in hopes our script will get in the right hands. We've made some great contacts with M.A.S.K. fans in the industry over the past few months and are hopeful we can make some progress soon. We will definitely let you know more when it happens!

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