Retrocon 2024

Vanessa Warfield Poll Results

Voting in our September actor poll has now closed. It was a tight race the whole month! Your choice to play V.E.N.O.M.'s Vanessa Warfield with 43% of the vote is Melinda Clarke!

This month's voting was even closer than our Miles Mayhem poll from August. Melinda received 36 total votes. She won just 4% ahead of Milla Jovovich who received 33 total votes (39% overall.) Third placed was tied with 5 votes a piece for Rhona Mitra & Charlize Theron, a distant 6% of the total vote for each. 4 votes were cast for None of the Above. To those four voters, feel free to post your choice here or on Facebook or Twitter.
Here are the two clips of Melinda that we posted during the poll that we felt best suited the Vanessa Warfield character in our script: Spawn & CSI. Melinda's characters in these plus in other shows like Nikita and the OC always seem to have an edge to them that we think fits Vanessa well. 
Vanessa's character,  in our script, is alot like in the cartoon, but also with an action side. She can pilot Switchblade and Manta, puts some boot to head to fellas in her way, and of course, cracks a mean whip with her mask. 
We'll be adding Melinda to our M.A.S.K. Movie Pitch page on the blog. You can also view the other actor choices from previous polls there as well. Continuing with V.E.N.O.M. characters, October's poll will feature Sly Rax! Be looking for your opportunity to vote very soon!

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  1. Hey guys - just found your site via a helpful twitter post. Love what you're doing here, hope that I can help spread the word.


  2. Thanks Charlie. We appreciate your support!


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