Retrocon 2024

M.A.S.K. Episode 9: The Oz Effect

Episode 9: The Oz Effect

AIR DATE: Oct 10, 1985
PLOT: V.E.N.O.M. uses a strange vortex machine to abduct a village of Australian aborigines and forces them as slaves to mine valuable crystal.
Characters: (M.A.S.K.) Matt Trakker, Alex Sector, Bruce Sato, Brad Turner, Gloria Baker, Hondo Maclean, Buddy Hawks, Scott & T-Bob (V.E.N.O.M.) Miles Mayhem, Cliff Dagger, Sly Rax, Vanessa Warfield.
Vehicles: (M.A.S.K.) Thunderhawk, Rhino, Condor, Firecracker, Gator (V.E.N.O.M.) Switchblade, Jackhammer, Piranha

Watch the full episode below! 

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  • 5 = Great! A signature episode.
  • 4 = Good. Just a few minor flaws.
  • 3 = Okay. Not great but not poor either.
  • 2 = Cheesy. An episode stuck in the 80s.
  • 1 = Awful! An episode to be forgotten!
UPDATE (5/6/12): 44% rated this episode "5", 33% "4", and 23% "3"

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  1. This is a great episode! I love the part where Buddie dresses up as one of the natives and the zooming in on his microphone when he has disappeared. I also like the character Sarah and the mood and background music in the beginning of the episode. I think this episode is much better than last week`s.

  2. I was thinking, since there are so few women in the MASK-series, maybe you should make up for it by having some other female characters that aren`t part of MASK or VENOM, like Sarah was in this episode.


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