Retrocon 2024

M.A.S.K. Lego Creations

M.A.S.K. Lego Creations

It's a pity that only over the past probably 10 or so years that officially-licensed Lego toys have been produced. How cool would it have been to have Lego M.A.S.K. toys back in the day? Fortunately, some M.A.S.K. fans have taken the initiative to create custom Lego figures and vehicles! Here are a few examples that I've stumbled across while searching the web. Maybe if a M.A.S.K. live action movie or series reboot ever gets produced, we'll see some similar toys in stores!

Alex Jones

Alex Jones has created most of the vehicles and figures from the series one toyline including Boulder Hill!! I highly recommend viewing all of his M.A.S.K. Lego creations at his OrioinPax.De website.

Jones also has many photos on his Orion Pax Flickr profile including a sandbox adventure with many of his Lego creations. The two pictures that caught my cool is that M.A.S.K. transport plane? Many times I've wished that Kenner would've made a transport plane vehicle. I know it was used sparingly in the cartoon but it would've made a very cool toy. The second pic I loved was the side-by-side comparison of his Lego Thunderhawk and Matt Trakker with the actual toy vehicle and figure. The box art as the back drop makes this one epic!

BruceWayneLego (Flickr)

Another Flickr profile that has some cool M.A.S.K. Lego is BruceWayneLego. The three vehicles and mini-figures he has on display is Rhino, Razorback, and Slingshot. What's really unique is the videos shot for these creations. They use use stop animation to convert from vehicle to defense mode and show all functionality. The second half of the video then displays the actual toy vehicle. Way Cool!!

Hobbestimus (Flickr)

The final M.A.S.K. Lego creations I wanted to highlight comes from Hobbestimus on Flickr. There are a slew of 80s properties that have been re-created use Lego on his profile. I'd HIGHLY recommend taking 20 minutes and just exploring some great creations like Ghostbusters, G.I. Joe, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles. The Thunderhawk used in his creation is from a newer Transformers toyline. The pics show the new jet mode and also in robot mode. A very cool concept!

If you've found any other M.A.S.K. Lego creations on the web, drop us a link in the comments!

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  1. I want a new MASK toyline so bad I could cry.

  2. Very cool guys. I spoke to Alex a while back about his Lego creations but I have never seen the other stuff. The stop motion videos in particular are AMAZING.

    By the way, inspired by my guest appearance on MASKast I put up issue #1 of the DC Comic series over on my site. I invite you and your readers to pop over and read it.

  3. Thanks, Erik. I've posted a link on our Facebook page. Will definitely keep spreading the word!


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