Retrocon 2024

Full MASKast Archive Now Available In iTunes Store!

For the first time since we began the MASKast podcast over two years ago, our full archive of 40+ episodes is now available in the iTunes store! We've struggled for a long time to have the complete library readily available on popular podcast apps but FINALLY we've succeeded! (If you are currently subscribed in iTunes and don't see any episodes, its because you haven't grabbed our new MASKast iTunes feed.) We are also hoping to do the same on the Stitcher Radio app and will let you know once we succeed.

We've never had the budget to pay for a monthly service and with the free Buzzsprout plan we had been using, our episodes dissappeared after 3 months. A BIG shout-out to our new service Audiometric who offers free podcast hosting with no limits! The only catch is you might hear some ads while listening to MASKast in the future, but that's actually a good thing. Hearing an ad on MASKast means we've been sponsored and are actually making a little revenue from that ad! Of course, we plan to put that revenue right back into the website for domain costs, purchasing contest prizes, and other Agents of M.A.S.K. ventures.

If you don't use iTunes but just want to download an episode, you can always visit the MASKast archive which now has every episode in the universal MP3 format. You can stream from the web or download directly to your computer or device.

We greatly appreciate our listeners over the past couple years and hope you will now go back and listen to earlier episodes while we are "in between" producing future podcasts. Our plan is still to review every episode of the animated series along with producing special episodes like interviews on our way to 100 total podcasts! We hope you'll continue with us on our M.A.S.K. journey!


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