Retrocon 2024

List Of 1985 Comic Books Featuring The Special M.A.S.K. Preview Insert

I've mentioned on MASKast and here on the blog that I've only started collecting comic books in the last few years. One that I've had my eye on for some time is the special M.A.S.K. preview published by DC Comics in 1985. It was a prelude to the 4-issue series released in late '85 through early '86.

I've spotted copies on eBay but just never pulled the trigger on the $15-20 price tag. When it comes to comics, I'm a cheap collector but it appears that my hesitation might have just paid off. After sifting through auctions a couple days ago, I saw a listing for a comic from Sept 1985 that stated the M.A.S.K. preview insert was inside! This was a revelation to me as a novice collector.

After doing some research, it appears that the special M.A.S.K. preview insert appeared in several different comics, mainly from Sept 1985. My guess is that the online auctions selling just the preview comic have been likely ripped it out of the actual book. It is possible that they were available separately in comic shop. But I feel like its better to own one that's inside another comic book. If preview issues are torn out, it devalues the book and the preview insert might also get damaged and less protected than leaving it in. Plus for cheap collectors like me who are just out to get more M.A.S.K. stuff, buying a lesser known comic with the M.A.S.K. insert is perfect.

If my research is accurate, the lists I've found on Comics.Org and Wikipedia are incomplete. Other comic websites and auctions have indicated that there are at least 10 issues (not 8) that contain the 16-page "Assault on Mount Mayhem" preview story. Click the titles in the following list to view their headline page on Comic Vine:
It's possible there could be more comics featuring the insert as my confirmations are only through web searches and not flipping through actual books. I also cannot confirm if every issue printed in the list above had the M.A.S.K. insert or if it was a limited run.

I've researched mainly the list of DC Comics issues of Sept 1985 but the Batman and the Outsiders #27 proves there might be more in October or later. If you can confirm other issues need to be added to this list, PLEASE leave a comment so I can update.

I've ordered a few issues from the above and most were reasonably priced. If your looking to snag one of the longer-running series like Action Comics, Superman, or Batman, be prepared to pay a few bucks more. Can;t wait to read "assault on Mount Mayhem" and discuss with Wyatt on MASKast!

I'm also planning to put a few in our giveaway bin so be on the lookout this year for your chance to win a copy! Happy collecting!

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  1. The UK Preview Comic was similar. It came free with other comics from the same stable such as The Eagle, Roy of the Rovers, Battle, etc.

    I too have found that it's quite often cheaper to source the free UK M.A.S.K. preview with the original comic, but they are hard to find as they were wrapped in cellophane - most will have been opened at some point.

    1. I thought I might hear from you. Thanks for the knowledge on the UK comics!


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