Retrocon 2024

M.A.S.K. Episode 35 "In Dutch"

Our next episode review on MASKast will feature #35 "In Dutch". The plot consists a madman hiring V.E.N.O.M. to destroy the flood dikes in the Netherlands in order to extort a political position in parliament. It's up to M.A.S.K. to save the city and destroy V.E.N.O.M.'s ultrasonic device before it's too late. Here are the episode stats...

AIR DATE: Nov 15, 1985
CHARACTERS: (M.A.S.K.) Matt Trakker, Gloria Baker, Dusty Hayes, Brad Turner, Scott & T-Bob. (V.E.N.O.M.) Miles Mayhem, Vanessa Warfield, Sly Rax.
VEHICLES: (M.A.S.K.) Thunder Hawk, Shark, Gator, Condor. (V.E.N.O.M.) Switchblade, Piranha, Manta.

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  1. This is a really good episode with great animation, beautiful colors and a good story. I love it when Switchblade causes Thunderhawk to crash, when Thunderhawk disables Switchblade before it has even taken off and when Manta causes Condor to spin. I also thought the villain with the cat was a good character. Clearly he was not as evil as Mayhem. A really enjoyable episode!

  2. I guess you guys (Jason and Wyatt) will be happy with the start of this episode - flat land as far as the eye can see. No hills or mountains to be seen! LOL!

    It is another fine example of a great M.A.S.K. episode - but there are a few things I'd like to discuss if I may.

    Firstly, Matt, Scott and T-Bob are being shown the Ultrasound Analyser working - which is great. Then, all of a sudden, water starts to breach the wall and they all go running for their lives..... except.... What happened to the guy who was using the Ultrasound Analyser?

    As soon as the wall start to breach, he was nowhere to be seen! In fact, this piece of equipment didn't even seem to work, there was no notice of anything wrong until dogs started barking and T-Bob went haywire.

    So, it would seem, this works better as a weapon in the hands of madmen to destroy the walls rather than protect them!

    The next is - how does Switchblade manage to take off and land when upright disguised as a Windmill? I mean, I've heard of Vertical Take Off and Landing (VTOL) but that's just crazy!!

    Thunderhawk is pretty much banged up. Dusty makes a comment about fixing her but might she not hold together.

    Why then, wasn't M.A.S.K.'s resident Chief Mechanic, Buddie Hawks, not part of the call up? Surely this episode was just asking for him to come to the aid of his Leader and his stricken vehicle?

    I wonder if Dusty held her together with Mozzarella and Anchovies?

    After Rax's encounter with cats a couple of episodes back in Caesar's Sword - it's nice to see that this theme was followed up when the white cat hisses at him!

    Like the comment left by Roel, I too liked the fact the ship converts into the oil platform. But as I was watching this again, I had it in my head that a similar thing happens in a movie from a few years ago. Does anyone remember what I'm thinking of - or am I making this up?

    The scene just before Dusty enters the water in Gator, there is a great shot of the Camera Panning in on Dusty!

  3. I guess you guys (Jason and Wyatt) will be happy with the start of this episode - flat land as far as the eye can see. No hills or mountains to be seen! LOL!

    It is another fine example of a great M.A.S.K. episode - but there are a few things I'd like to discuss if I may.

    Firstly, Matt, Scott and T-Bob are being shown the Ultrasound Analyser working - which is great. Then, all of a sudden, water starts to breach the wall and they all go running for their lives..... except.... What happened to the guy who was using the Ultrasound Analyser?

    As soon as the wall start to breach, he was nowhere to be seen! In fact, this piece of equipment didn't even seem to work, there was no notice of anything wrong until dogs started barking and T-Bob went haywire.

    So, it would seem, this works better as a weapon in the hands of madmen to destroy the walls rather than protect them!

    The next is - how does Switchblade manage to take off and land when upright disguised as a Windmill? I mean, I've heard of Vertical Take Off and Landing (VTOL) but that's just crazy!!

    Thunderhawk is pretty much banged up. Dusty makes a comment about fixing her but might she not hold together.

    Why then, wasn't M.A.S.K.'s resident Chief Mechanic, Buddie Hawks, not part of the call up? Surely this episode was just asking for him to come to the aid of his Leader and his stricken vehicle?

    I wonder if Dusty held her together with Mozzarella and Anchovies?

    After Rax's encounter with cats a couple of episodes back in Caesar's Sword - it's nice to see that this theme was followed up when the white cat hisses at him!

    Like the comment left by Roel, I too liked the fact the ship converts into the oil platform. But as I was watching this again, I had it in my head that a similar thing happens in a movie from a few years ago. Does anyone remember what I'm thinking of - or am I making this up?

    The scene just before Dusty enters the water in Gator, there is a great shot of the Camera Panning in on Dusty!

  4. The Dutch characters here are portrayed to be a little bit inept at English and have a heavy accent which doesn't sound like a Dutch person at all.

    Most Dutch people in real life, especially those dealing with foreigners, fluently speak English with only a slight accent.


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