Retrocon 2024

IDW Developing New M.A.S.K. Comic Book Series

Newsarama is reporting that comic book publisher IDW is currently working on a new M.A.S.K. series! On the heels of Hasbro's multi-property film project announcement and last month's teaser image, this new M.A.S.K. series would follow plans to also publish new ROM and Micronauts comic books. IDW also publishes books based on Hasbro properties like Transformers, G.I. Joe, and Jem and the Holograms.

This is exciting news for M.A.S.K. fans and answers a question I've had for quite a long time. M.A.S.K.'s first comic book series in 1985 (for the United States) was published by DC Comics. For almost a decade, I've assumed that DC still had the publishing rights to M.A.S.K., but if this report is legit, clearly Hasbro has either purchased the rights from DC Comics or feels comfortable publishing new material with its existing rights. Either way, a new comic book series is another mammoth step toward M.A.S.K.'s return.

Since we practically have no details at this point, I wonder if this new series will be a origin story or perhaps back story leading up to the new film project. Will there be a multi-property comic series to coincide with Hasbro's film plans? There is much left to be answered so stay tuned for more details.

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