Retrocon 2024

Doug Stone Reprises Psycho Mantis in New Ford Commercial

Voice actor Doug Stone was recently called back to reprise one of his most popular characters...unfortunately, it wasn't Matt Trakker. Doug was the voice of Psycho Mantis in the Metal Gear Solid video game franchise and was recently asked to voice the character again for a new advertising campaign.

Kotaku reported today that David Hayter, who originally voiced the character Snake, was reunited with Paul Eiding (Col. Roy Campbell) for a new Ford commercial. After reading the article and seeing a 2nd commercial with the character Psycho Mantis, I thought I'd contact Doug to see if he was involved with the project. Indeed he was! 

Doug confirmed the project was legit and that he personally recorded the commercial in early March 2016. Details have not been released at this time on whether Ford will be using the ads for American television or through some other medium like mobile advertising. Certainly they would not have paid to get the footage from Konami to not broadcast the ads in some capacity.

Watch the video below to hear Doug Stone's performance as Psycho Mantis...


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