Retrocon 2024

Follow M.A.S.K. Movie on Pinterest!

M.A.S.K. Movie is on Pinterest!

After accumulating many pictures for MASKast polls, blogposts, montages for our Facebook cover and fan art, I've finally found a permanent home for them all...on Pinterest! That's right, the social media site is not just for recipes anymore!

I'll admit that I've had the wrong impression for what Pinterest can do and I totally see the benefit now. We invite all of you (whether currently on Pinterest or not) to check out our new boards and follow us! I've began pinning photos and will be adding more each week. So far, we've got 3 boards for you to check out: Screenshots from the cartoon, Collections, and Random Stuff.
Our first board contains screenshots from the animated series, most that I've personally captured for MASKast. I usually try to find a definitive picture to accompany the blogpost for each episode and will be pinning those images here. I'll also be pinning the montages I've created for our Facebook cover image along with others I've found on the web.
The next board is for toy collections! One of our most popular posts and podcasts was on collecting M.A.S.K. toys and memorabilia. At the time, we asked fans to post their collections to Facebook and had some great responses. I've also found others on the web and plan to pin those to this board.
Finally, I've created a random board to post anything and everything M.A.S.K. related. Fan art, merchandise, etc. is what will be collected here. I've already pinned some scans I've made from the M.A.S.K. board game and the awesome Spectrum poster from Paul Panfalone.

You'll also be seeing some occasional tweets from @MaskMovie when new photos are pinned. Come connect with us at Pinterest.Com/MaskMovie! We'll even follow you back!


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