Podcast #35: Secret of the Andes
Posted: Sept 13, 2013
Hello MASKast listeners! Jason and Wyatt make a triumphant return to the MASKast studios after a couple month hiatus (Sorry!!) with yet another podcast review of the M.A.S.K. animated series. In podcast #35, we'll examine M.A.S.K. episode 26 "Secret of the Andes" and try to find a lost city of gold. As always, you'll hear our personal play-by-play, ratings, and audio clips from the actual cartoon mixed-in for your listening pleasure. Plus, we'll give you a rundown of what's happening in the M.A.S.K. Movie community (since we've been away so long,) poll results, and listener comments retrieved from the M.A.S.K. Movie blog. Plus, we'll give you a preview of the next podcast where we'll take a quick break from the animated series to discuss M.A.S.K. comics with Erik from
This episode features M.A.S.K. protecting a revived Inca priest in his quest to find the lost city of gold El Dorado. Wyatt and Jason had differing opinions about this episode which made for a great show. We also received some insightful comments from listeners as we tried to pull together our final verdict. Hope you enjoy listening to the podcast!
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Do you have a link to the MP3 Download as I prefer to download and listen on my mobile rather then stream and don't care for iTunes!
On the left column under 'Latest Maskasts' I keep a link directly to the latest mp3 by clicking 'click here to download our latest podcast'